Tag Archives: Senior Moment

Day 119: A Senior Moment

Yesterday I was working in the kitchen preparing supper when I realized that I didn’t need to wait to watch Dancing With the Stars on my DVR. I had what I needed right in front of me — my cable box with On Demand TV Entertainment.

There it was in all its sequiney spandexey glory — right on my countertop! Although I don’t have an On Demand button on my remote, if I plug in channel 01, it’s all there waiting for me. This means that we can watch Bones and Castle right at our kitchen island, and I can watch New Girl, Private Practice, and Grey’s Anatomy while I cook. We might even be able to watch Inside the NFL, but I haven’t checked to see if that’s available On Demand. 🙂

I’ve had cable for HOW MANY YEARS? Why has this not occurred to me? Frankly, it reminds me of the book I read this year called No, I Don’t Want to Join a Book Club. In it the newly retired heroine has what she calls CRAFT moments — can’t remember a f**king thing.

Perhaps that’s my problem.

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